Friday 27 August 2010

Take home message from Prof Dr Hamdan...

Dear Ali,
Assalamualaikum wbt

you have nicely started your medical studies at CUCMS and you are facing a lot of new learning experiences. On the whole, you are trying to respond well to the challenges. Congratulations! Please remember that observation of perseverance and 'istiqamah' is very important to move you forward to a destination that you have been aiming for (i.e. to become an excellent doctor).

Along the way to the destination, there would be challenges that may not be to your liking. Please regard this challenges as test from God that you have to go through. God loves all of us, and He's always expecting us to make wise decisions in order to lead a good life. So, please try to make wise decisions all the time... then you'll never regret! Remember that the best way of going through the challenges is to be prepared all the time, have good intentions and go through the challenges as sincerely as possible. Let's also think and do things that make us more special than the others without 'riak'. This will push us further en route to becoming excellent human beings.

As your mentor, I'm always ready to help you out whenever you are in need of my service. Please come forward for help and advice whenever you are in need.

All the best to you all the time,

Prof. Dr. Hamdan H.M. Nor
(Deputy Dean Medical Sciences CUCMS)

2nd Phase of Ramadhan =]

Alhamdulillah, praise to the Almighty!

Either we realize it or not, we are already in the second phase of this great month (da nk abes da pun =[ ), the phase where Allah forgives is really abundant during this time.

Talking about istighfar, we are dure to be familiar with the phrase:-

(i seek forgiveness from Allah)

However, what is the main purpose or reason for us to istighfar? Got any idea?

1. Guaranteed to be safe from punishment or azab (Al-Anfal verse 33)
2. Prayer from the angels who bear the throne of Allah SWT (Al-Ghafir verse 7)